Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blind Dog Duty

Well, I think we are coming to a sad conclusion regarding Mischa and we should know more tomorrow and after a possible 3 weeks trial with a Blind Dog trainer...A lady will turn up tomorrow midday and get introduced to Mischa.. we'll see if she is suited for Blind Dog duty then and there and after three weeks trial we'll know if she will stay or come back to us...

This has been a very difficult decision for me to make, but since I have already admitted to my mistake I must face the music..

Really, the problem has been me and the family and has nothing to do with Mischa - we've had too many children & no-one to make sure that Mischa is stimulated and taken care of (other than a cuddle and a kiss and a few sticks in the garden..).

I hope that Mischa is qualified and that she can give all her love and energy to a needy. Just have a look at her here playing in the garden.

Tomorrow will show...

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