Friday, March 09, 2007

Still just waiting...

I am now with my very pregnant wife in Dos Hermanas awaiting the arrival of Olszowski Jr. IVth...and he isn´t showing any signs of initiative...hmmm. The spanish family tradition lets the kids stay at home for a long while (or for life if they wish), but I hope that this pregnancy won´t take 13-14 months just in order to live up to tradition!!

My problem is that I am spending my two weeks paternity leave now instead of from Juniors birthday so I hope he will decide to arrive before the 20th march or from the 31st march.

Our bad luck has it that we are spending quite some time in hospital as Pepé (my father in law) had a heart attack two days ago...he´s ok but is being kept in Intensive Care for the time being and being examined to check the damage on his heart - considering that most people die before arriving to the hospital Pepé has impressed the hospital staff by driving to the ER himself - making sure that the car was parked OK...

Kind regards

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