I bet Olszowski Junior the IVth is only trying his fathers patience and will most probably decide to arrive on monday the 19th march - and patience is a virtue I do not have too much of... especially if he decides to arrive just when I am about to check in at Sevilla airport going back to Copenhagen!
But we miss Emma and Victor here in Sevilla and are constantly reminded of what we´d like to do when we are all together. Every time Alexander sees a plane he starts shouting: "Eeemma! Viiictor! Avion!" and laughs excitedly...so it is very obvious how much he misses them but apart from that he is happy and is now speaking quite a bit but in spanish...That in itself is no problem - the problem is that I am mixing spanish and danish when talking to him ala: Let´s put you calzetines on ahora y ver what Mummy is up to?! That I think could prove a bit complicated for his little brain...
Apart from waiting we are making the most of it and went on a beautiful tour from Sevilla to El Rocio via a wonderful pineforest that is part of the Doñana Nature reserve and ended up watching a bullfight in Bullullos where the bullfighter fights on horseback (rejoneador - read: reggroneador) - now that looks like much more fun than Polo!
I hope that my next entry will include pics of Olszowski Jr. IV and perhaps a dramatic story of how Cloti gave birth to another handsome Olszowski (now apparently also well endowed) boy...