Monday, March 06, 2017

Counting my blessings...

wow - what joy to share special moments with your loved ones, family, friends and colleagues

At this point in life I find it natural to look back and count my blessings...

It hasn't always been easy, and quite often I have felt very much in the middle of a storm and suffered from the tumult - but often when the storm receded and I regrouped with my siblings or my family all would be good again and we would dance and sing...the dark and the light need each other and my family is my guiding light.

In my personal life I have taken some bets and made some decisions that were mine to take and others to suffer the consequences for and for that I am sorry...that said, I suspect that I feel happy now because of the tough decisions.

This past weekend we sang and danced like never before (again) and I am very grateful for the love and affection my surroundings have shown me just because I turned 50...grownups and kids bopping together is the best recipe for happiness...

My children's grandparents are long gone, but I would have wished that they could have returned to see them dance this weekend.

I hope to have many more birthdays, but will try to celebrate each as if it were my last...with those many friends, fusion family members and lovely colleagues...


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