Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sniffle, sniffle

I haven't cried, but I feel as though I have..

Mischa has entered 3 weeks initial training to see if she is able to continue as a Blind Dog.

The lady, Gitte, who came to pick her up was very sweet and Mischa was very much at ease and cuddly, friendly with her so I really think she's going to enjoy the next couple of weeks.

If she gets her 'wings' in three weeks they start in earnest with real training. I've been promised pictures of her along the way, but they say that it is best not to see her again later on as that could be difficult...

She has been sweet, even though she has eaten one Palm Treo 680 smartphone, some remote controls, several shoes...her digestion hasn't taken any damage it seems - also she ate a full tinfoil packaged Liver pate last week and it didn't seem to make much of an impression.

Mischa you are sweet and we will miss you very much...

Love, Nicolas

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