Kids, I wouldn't want to do as I as I say you should do...
Don'tCrash into a Ford Granada Stationwagon with a Toboggan - you'd break a leg
Shoot yourself in your foot with an air rifle - you'll get a hole in your foot
Borrow one of those kings size orange mattresses from the pylons on ski slopeswith your younger brother - you can't steer and you may crash into a ski lift hurts...if you are lucky to survive as we were...
Practice the art of "badut" never know where you'll land (general idea)
Dive into a "sea" of half an inch of snow - that is NOT deep enough - and frozen grass hurts!
Try to kill your siblings - you'll love them at some later stage!
Above subject to changes as experience/memory permits
New memory:
Also please do not
Do not fall asleep in a gold fish pond during a Studenterfest - you'd be lucky to wake up because of a boxer having a drink
Drive with two friends on the roof of your VW Beetle on an grass airfield trying to throw them off doing handbrake turns
Drive with two friends on the roof of your VW Beetle on an grass airfield trying to throw them off doing handbrake turns
Happy to have reached 56 years at this stage - most of these things happened before I reached puberty at 32.
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