Friday, May 12, 2017

First Gierek, then Olszowski and after that the Russians will come...

Now that was a headline to remember - I saw it (and have it somewhere) in the Danish Newspaper Jyllandsposten back in late 70s I think...the article referred to Stefan Olszowski known as a Marxist-Leninist hardliner and member of the Polish that age I never understood the polish clan (szchachta) system and thought that he must be a member of the family, but my grandmother was very forceful in her rejection and refusal to recognize his as family.

Although ashamed of his reputation I was still intrigued by this and have kept the newspaper headline in a file and now I saw this on the interwebs...

It seems like a very short time to change your worldview 180 degrees but better late than never...


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