Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Family ties II - Sweden & Great Britain

So, there seems to be a good reason for my desire to have enough space...Margrethelund in Stockhjolm  is owned by my Grandfathers cousins (Åkerhielm) and since staying at Stanford Hall lasst week I can see that Marcus could get used to this very quickly...after dropping a lollypop stick in a pond I told him that it wasn't ok to throw things around like that...his response; We're Kings...we can do as we like!§ That was after two days at Stanford, mind you...

I was lucky to visit Margrethelund in the early 80's or maybe late 70's with my grandparents which was great, but haven't been back since...

Here you have a few pics of the houses...


Stanford Hall

Maybe I'd get tired of the maintenance and cleaning...so maybe I'll just be happy with what I've got...and we are moving this week..

Nic - the long gone blogger...

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