Sunday, December 19, 2010

Olszowski's of the past

Hi again,

thanks to Facebook I've now "met" one of our cousins in Poland that I didn't know of.

Rafal Olszowski reached out to investigate if we were from the same family and true enough by
a quick bit of investigation we found out that we were from the same branch. Our surname has a postfix Herb "Prus II" this means we are part of the Prus II Szlachta "clan" - there may be other families with the Olszowski surname but if they don't have the same postfix then we are not from the same family. Actually, it is my understanding that the Postfix is more important than the name - or at least used to be.

Rafal sent me the following scan from an old book that show our ancestor Walerian's grave...

He was the first senator of the family and father of the most famous ancestor Andrzej Olszowski who was Primate of the Catholic church in Poland...


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