Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moving thoughts...

so this moving stuff is something rather stressful - and moving jobs at the same time as well as schools and country doesn't help..

But it certainly adds vitality and spice to the normal day and that is good - not that this project just landed in our lap with no prior planning or thought - we've aimed for this to happen since november some 16 months ago and now finally we are reaching our goal..

I feel a bit like the bullfighter - to use a suitable analogy - in the moment of thruth (el momento de la verdad) when he is posing right in front of the bull aiming for the tiny spot between the bulls shoulders where the sword must hit while the bull and he storm towards each other...You need to maintain your calm even though your mind and heart are full of emotions and uncertainties of what the future will bring...

We are ticking off the things that need to happen for this move to Malaga to happen...

Obviously: Decide to move - tick
Jobs - Ok
City/area to live - done
suitable house - Ok
talk to accountants/tax advisors - underway
open bank account - done
register with authorities in Spain - underway
find schools - done - but no room
rent and pack house in CPH - not yet

plus plus many more things that will pop up when it's too late...

But this is a good project for me personally and even though I recognize there are costs related to this, especially regarding our life with Emma & Victor that will change - I hope though that there will benefits also and not just least this is what I think and will be working to ensure...

Kind regards,


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