Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Stuck in bed with a bad book...

I am currently stuck in bed with a fever ranging between 38-39 degrees centigrades
and have been bed ridden pretty much since friday...It's very unusual as I am not coughing, sneezing or on the loo awaiting results from the doctor that should be able to say more tomorrow...if he says it's a virus I think I might wring his neck...sofar he has never actually fixed anything with pills, bandages og any sort of intervention and that leaves me stuck feeling bad -

but what is even worse is that I am reading a really bad book by Gerald Seymour called "Timebomb"...about ex-KGB officers, Russki Mafia and Mujahadeens that want to deal in a nuclear the moment they are in Poland and Gerald Seymour doesn't seem to have been updated on the situation for christian Poles and Jews during the war and is spreading old stories about how nasty the Poles where towards their Jewish neighbours...Might I suggest you read a bit of updated history on this subject by Prof. Norman Davies? The Poles where not much better off than the jews and quite a large part of the population helped the Jews in their distress...but remember they could hardly protect themselves...

I just cannot recommend it ...

Hmmm - that made me feel better...

Dr. NO

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