Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Picking one's nose...

Can be good therapy - it is normally for me, but yesterday was different and not as much fun as it normally is...

I had a date with doctors at the local hospital's Ear,nose and mouth specialists and they had a look at my BEC (Brain Expansion Container) or the 'growth' in my nose...It was so exciting for the doctor that he asked his colleagues to join us and suddenly I had three doctors checking the inside of my nose...using tweezers to expand my right nostril and a bit of local anesthetics they took a sample of my BEC and have promised to tell me more next week. I also tried having a microscope (or periscope) up through my nose - that's a first!

The doctor did say that he thought that the growth appeared benign and that in order to remove it they'll probably have to put me under full sedation as it bleeds rather profusely...

The good thing is that I feel I'm in good hands and am looking forward to getting the results of the tests.

Kind regards,


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