Saturday, March 17, 2007

A new O´Blobski has arrived - Ha llegado otro O´Blobski!!

I am very proud to announce the arrival of Marcus Rodrigo Chacón Olszowski (or in spanish Olszowski Chacón). He arrived on the 16th march at around 22.00 hrs by Caesarian Section at the Hospital de Valme in Sevilla.

He weighed in at 3260 grammes and measured 48 cms.

For the first time I wasn´t allowed to be there for the birth itself, but had the pleasure of holding him during the night...My sister in law Maria del Monte was there as well while Cloti was recovering.

I am surprised how the sense of love builds up even while holding and studying the little creature - I am very proud of now being the father of four lovely children and I look forward to spending many happy years with them all....

Ha llegado Marcus Rodrigo Olszowski Chacón en el Hospital de Valme en Sevilla ayer a las 10 de la noche. Pesa 3260 gramos y mide 48 cms. Mamá y niño estan muy bien!

Me sorprende que todavia tengo sitio para más amor en mi corazon! Estoy tan orgulloso de ser Padre de cuatro hijos estupendos!!

Aqui ves la primera foto ofcicial del Niño! Here you can see the first official photo of Marcus.

Kind regards,


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