Sunday, March 25, 2007

My family close by...

Spring has come to Denmark today...that means 11 degrees C and sunshine...and everybody comes outside for a walk. The parents from Victor's class had organized a family outing in the woods near Nærum. We all met at 11.00 o'clock and walked off to a playground where we could have a picnic. Christian came along and Emma and Victor had fun. Christian is the best uncle one could wish for as he is the one who starts playing and running around chasing the kids...not just ours but every ones. I took my part in swinging 24 children plus siblings in a big swing so that my body now feels like I've done 1½ hrs heavy boxing. Later this evening Didi and I had dinner at Christian's house which was nice - so today I can't complain about lack of company!

Mischa is sweet and very tired after having 24 kids chasing her or carrying her or cuddling her. This morning I woke up with her on my pillow and I just don't know how she got up there unless I helped her in my sleep? I'd been pushing her back as I was going to sleep.

NEWS from Sevilla: Cloti has been visiting her mother and she can wriggle her toes and fingers so she is getting some sensation back which gives hope for a recovery...I am keeping my fingers crossed and am looking forward to getting down there on saturday with Emma and Victor...

Kind regards,


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