Simba has for a while been less and less active and tires more easily...I haven't thought anything of it other than her age - she's nearly 10 years old. But Didi was dog sitting for a weekend last week and thought she was in too bad a shape and was worried that it might be some sort of parasite in the lungs/heart that is going around the dogs in Denmark...I went to the vet yesterday and it seems that it could well be a lot more serious like a tumor in the throat/lungs...She doesn't seem to be in much pain but is bothered in her throat and is often sick when I don't think we'll pass this week before we have to decide on what to do...
Welcome to the Blobski Blog - Bienvenidos al Blobski Blog! This is a Blog for the extended and geographically dispersed Olszowski family so we can share news and pictures on the web. Disclaimer: Only updated on very irregular basis! All family members are welcome to contribute - please get in touch and I'll give you access also if you just wish to have an email address... Kind regards, Nicolas
Friday, February 16, 2007
Simba has for a while been less and less active and tires more easily...I haven't thought anything of it other than her age - she's nearly 10 years old. But Didi was dog sitting for a weekend last week and thought she was in too bad a shape and was worried that it might be some sort of parasite in the lungs/heart that is going around the dogs in Denmark...I went to the vet yesterday and it seems that it could well be a lot more serious like a tumor in the throat/lungs...She doesn't seem to be in much pain but is bothered in her throat and is often sick when I don't think we'll pass this week before we have to decide on what to do...